:: http://www.peachjuice.net :: inside :: who charlie

peachjuice dot net is a space for the exclusive use of those that know how to enter it.

peter will charlie

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...who charlie charlie

Charlie smells nice. Most of the time. She has the most lovely bits and her hair has recently been experimented with -- no washing up liquid for her no. No no. Just that conditioning stuff that smells nice. Hence the nice smell.

She seems to be liking the world invented jointly by her and her fiancé Peter. She decorates sometimes and cleans and cooks and washes and all that kind of stuff, but also finds time to sit. And watch some TV. And sing in that there bathroom and Christchurch church in Reading with her sis and her ma.

She likes the fact that she is getting smaller most days and will soon be small enough to fit through the gaps in old floorboards in search of the much elusive spider god. Once in discussion with him she will ban their kind from the 'above floor' world forever.

She thanks you for listening again.

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